Supplier Development

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Today's Challenge

As customers demand additional cost reductions, faster deliveries, better quality and better performance, organizations must look toward their suppliers for operational improvements. The opportunities for cost savings and operational improvements can be enormous. And the impact on your margins and bottom line is considerable. With supplier support, significant improvements can be accomplished in only months.

Capturing these financial rewards requires more experienced personnel with unique skill sets than most of the organizations in today's economy possess. Compounding the problem is that most organizations have cut back the amount of technical advisors that deal directly with suppliers. Business time and capabilities are stretched to the limit, yet you must meet customers' demands for cost reductions on current products.

Plantech Models

Plantech has the personnel and the supplier development approach that reduces supplier costs while improving their quality. Plantech's data-driven supplier development approach leverages our global resources, "best-in-class" processes, and advanced Web technologies to help your suppliers improve. Plantech offers three approaches:

  • We can design a customized program that augments your current supplier initiatives while still allowing you total control over our involvement. This method allows us to use an integrated solution that leverages our team of industry veterans and customized training courses and EwQMSTM (Enterprise-wide Quality Management System) software.
  • For those companies who want to outsource their entire supplier management program, Plantech can customize an approach that meets the needs of top management. This approach typically results in 20% to 40% out-of-pocket cost savings.
  • Plantech can customize a supplier management program to fit your needs and train your personnel in its operation.

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