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Improve product quality, increase productivity, capture engineering knowledge and reduce waste with PlanTech FMEA services.

PlanTech FMEA Services Training Outline Sample eLearning
DFMEA: PlanTech applies a specific methodology for DFMEA with proven results. Our quality consultants will help you gain real benefit from your risk analysis. Yes
PFMEA: PlanTech can help identify how your processes can fail to meet the process intent. PFMEA is a tool to identify and prioritize risk in your manufacturing processes. Yes
Process Control Plans: Define the methods for product verification. PlanTech can help develop your Process Control Plans for prototype, pre-launch, and production.  
Error Proofing/Mistake Proofing: PlanTech can help you properly apply error proofing and mistake proofing ensuring low risk in your manufacturing processes.  
MFMEA: Applies conventional FMEA methodology to equipment and machinery design.  
DRBFM: (Design Review Based on Failure Modes), much like a configuration control board, is the method used by engineers to ensure changes made to proven engineering designs are properly evaluated. PlanTech consultants are expert in the application of DRBFM.  

PlanTech offers Training, Facilitation & Implementation Services for each item listed in this chart.

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DFMEA Risk Analysis Kit

$149.00 - Benefit from our Valuable Training, Tips & Examples

DFMEA is an analysis of risk that considers how a design can fail to meet the design intent. When doing DFMEAs, design engineers need to understand the function(s) and performance requirements of their design. Identifying functions and performance requirements is key to understanding and subsequently identifying failure modes.

PlanTech's focused FMEA methodology will help scope your DFMEAs, ensuring emphasis is placed where you receive the most benefit.

Some of the benefits resulting from the application of DFMEA are:

  • Establish a priority system for design improvements
  • Identify potential product Failure Modes early in the product development cycle, when they are less expensive to correct
  • Identify potential safety concerns / government regulation issues
  • Capture engineering and organization knowledge and improve best practices
  • DFMEAs become part of a company's quality system providing an audit trail for the analysis
  • Aid in identifying needs for special controls - error proofing by identifying Significant and Critical Characteristics

And there are reasons why DFMEAs are ineffective at some companies:

  • Lack of management support
  • Failure to properly scope the DFMEA boundaries
  • Misunderstand the goals of the DFMEA process
  • Misunderstanding the mechanics of the process, including effective use of the tools employed
  • Doing a DFMEA too late in the design cycle to be able to employ the lessons learned
  • Failure to execute the identified Recommended Actions
  • Insufficient resources committed, e.g. the DFMEA completed by a single person


PFMEA Risk Analysis Kit

$149.00 - Benefit from our Valuable Training, Tips & Examples

PFMEAs look at how a process can fail to meet the process intent. PFMEAs are done sequentially per a process flow diagram. The process flow diagram is the map Manufacturing engineers use to determine the process steps. From the process steps teams can develop their process requirements.

Just as the list of functions and performance requirements are key to identifying design related failures, the process flow diagram and process requirements are key to identifying process failures.

Some of the benefits resulting from the application of PFMEA are:

  • Identifies potential product related process failure modes early in the process development cycle, when they are less expensive to correct
  • Assesses customer effect of failures
  • Identifies process causes and identifies what process causes to focus on to reduce occurrence
  • Establishes a priority system for corrective actions
  • Identifies critical and significant characteristics
  • Communicates proposed design changes from manufacturing to design

And there are reasons why PFMEAs are ineffective at some companies:

  • Lack of management support
  • Insufficient scope or strategy
  • Not doing a PFMEA when we should have - too late in the process development cycle to be able to employ the lessons learned
  • Failure to execute the identified Recommended Actions
  • Insufficient resources committed, e.g. the PFMEA completed by a single person

Process Control Plans

Process Control Plans contain information such as specifications, tolerances, inspection devices, sample sizes and frequencies, control methods and reaction plans necessary to ensure products meet customer requirements. Control Plans provide the written summary of the systems used to verify the quality of our products.

PlanTech has developed Process Control Plans for Prototype, Pre-launch, and Production for our clients engaging in various manufacturing processes. Included are actual examples on completing the Control Plans for a variety of conditions:

  • Distinguishing between Product Characteristics and Process Characteristics
  • Including multiple levels of detection
  • Consideration for downstream error detection

Error proofing / Mistake proofing

Error proofing / Mistake proofing is a process of anticipating, preventing and detecting errors which adversely affect the customer and result in waste.

Error Proofing: Error Proofing is a philosophy where the process / part is designed such that an incorrect action or the omission of an action cannot occur. The process CANNOT make a defective part.

Mistake Proofing: In the event the process allows the defect to occur, controls are in place that prevents the error from PASSING to the next operation or controls are in place that prevent the next operation from ACCEPTING the defect.


MFMEA Risk Analysis Kit

$149.00 - Benefit from our Valuable Training, Tips & Examples

MFMEAs apply conventional DFMEA methodology to equipment and machinery design. MFMEAs differ from conventional DFMEAs because they focus on how Equipment / Machinery / Tooling fails to meet the design intent.

There are two approaches engineers use when conducting DFMEAs, the functional approach and the hardware approach. When applying a functional approach, teams classify equipment into functional subsystems and each subsystems functions are defined by statements that are actionable and measurable. The functional approach is sometimes referred to as the "Top Down" approach. In the hardware approach, teams focus on the lowest functional level, i.e., belts, cabinets, gears, etc. This approach is commonly referred to as the "Bottom Up" approach. The most common approach for MFMEA is the functional approach.

MFMEA uses Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) to determine Causes and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) to determine Effect(s) of Failure.

Benefits of MFMEAs:

  • Early identification of spare part requirements
  • Identification of potential failures before equipment build
  • Prioritization of identified design improvements
  • MFMEAs are an input to the preventive maintenance program


DRBFM Risk Analysis Kit

$149.00 - Benefit from our Valuable Training, Tips & Examples

DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Modes) is a tool developed on the philosophy that problems are likely to occur when changes are made to proven, stable engineering designs. If engineers want to ensure changes are made responsibly, proposed changes must be closely scrutinized. To do this the designer must make the changes visible. DRBFM is the means engineers use to ensure proposed changes are properly reviewed.

Steps required to complete a DRBFM:

  • Determine the change points
    • DRBFM Checklist
    • Change Point Matrix
  • Prepare the worksheet (Left Side)
  • Gather the team
  • Conduct the review (Right Side)
  • Create Action Items
  • Get sign off
  • Follow through on the Action Items

DRBFM in the form of PRBFM (Process Review Based on Failure Modes) has been successfully applied to manufacturing processes.

Additional Information:
We look forward to discussing our FMEA services with you. Contact Us Today!

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